
Player details, such as hero and troop levels, are displayed on the player page. For additional information, click one of the buttons in the top-right corner to access pages with detailed statistics on recent Clan Wars and the Legends League.

Search players

To search a player, click on the button in the bottom right corner of the players page. You can search players by tag or by name. The search by name is based on data provided by the ClashKing Discord bot and may not include all players.

The image below shows where you can find the player tag. Click on your experience (1) to open your profile (2), and then copy the tag (3) below your name.

Player tag

Bookmark players

Bookmark your favorite players by clicking the bookmark button in the top-right corner of their detail page. To remove a bookmark, simply click the button again or swipe the player entry in your bookmarks list to the left or right. You can also rearrange your bookmarks to keep them organized: tap and hold any item, then drag it to the desired position.